Top Men’s Powerlifting Records in the USA – Raw Lifts by Class and Year

Powerlifting Records in the USA

Powerlifting reflects dedication, strength, and the drive to achieve greatness.

The records in this collection highlight extraordinary achievements in raw lifts across weight classes.

Each lifter demonstrated unmatched discipline and focus to set these milestones in squats, bench presses, deadlifts, and total lifts.

These records inspire athletes worldwide to push boundaries and redefine what is possible in raw powerlifting.

Squat (no Wraps)

Class Lift Lifter Year Fed
123 551 Mike Booker 2002 AAU
132 551 Mike Booker 2002 AAU
148 579 Charles Okopoko 06/12/19 IPF
165 633 Michael Seay 10/16/19 USAPL
181 716 Maliek Derstine 01/23/16 USPA
198 766 Jesse Norris 11/07/15 SPF
220 822 Joe Sullivan 09/26/20 WRPF
242 837 Kevin Oak Okolie 08/04/19 USPA
275 903 Dennis Cornelius 12/09/17 USPA
308 922 Robb Philippus 08/25/17 WRPF
SHW 1080 Ray Williams 03/02/19 NAPF

All Squats (with & without Wraps)

Class Lift Lifter Year Fed
132 567 Brandon Smitley 11/07/16 WPC
148 600 David Raymond 01/21/17 UPA
165 710 Tom Kallas 05/16/15 UPA
181 782 Dallas Norris 08/12/17 365 Strong
198 815 Tom Kallas 03/25/18 APF
220 915 Sam Byrd 03/21/15 SPF
242 909 Jason LeGrand 04/21/2018 365 Strong
275 964 Eric Lilliebridge 07/19/14 UPA
308 1058 James Searcy Jr 05/19/18 RPS
SHW 1080 Ray Williams 03/02/19 NAPF

Bench Press (full Meet)

Class Lift Lifter Year Fed
123 380 Mike Booker 2005 AAU
132 424 Eric Head 06/26/15 APC
148 424 Joe Bradley 1981 USPF
165 486 Phillip Brewer 11/19/17 USPA
181 556 Rick Weil 1986 APF
198 565 Larry Danaher 1986 USPF/APF
220 582 Mike MacDonald 1979 AAU
242 650 Jeremy Hoornstra 08/26/2018 IPL
275 650 Ted Arcidi 1983 USPF
308 666 Ted Arcidi 1984 USPF/APF
SHW 710 James Henderson 1997 USPF


Class Lift Lifter Year Fed
123 634 Lamar Gant 1980 USPF
132 628 Lamar Gant 1981 USPF
148 705 Dan Austin 08/01/92 USPF
165 728 Micah Marino 01/23/16 USPA
181 791 Ed Coan 1984 USPF
198 881 Cailer Woolam 02/11/17 USPA
220 953 Cailer Woolam 11/09/19 SPF
242 887 Ed Coan 1998 USPF
275 948 Danny Grigsby 02/22/20 USPA
308 915 Chris Weist 04/21/18 RPS
SHW 909 George Leeman 03/15/15 USPA

Total (without Wraps)

Class Lift Lifter Year Fed
123 1278 Mike Booker 2002 AAU
132 1361 Joe Morrow 08/20/11 APF
148 1570 Gerald Dionio 11/11/17 SPF
165 1743 Blake Lehew 12/07/19 USPA
181 1929 John Haack 12/15/18 USPA
198 2033 Jesse Norris 11/07/15 SPF
220 2121 Cailer Woolam 11/09/19 SPF
242 2177 Kevin Oak Okolie 08/04/19 USPA
275 2275 Larry Williams 11/19/17 RPS
308 2369 Eric Lilliebridge 04/17/16 UPA
SHW 2452 Ray Williams 03/02/19 NAPF

All Totals (with & without Wraps)

Class Lift Lifter Year Fed
123 1278 Mike Booker 2002 AAU
132 1471 Richard Hawthorne 08/11/13 APC/GPA
148 1592 Gerald Dionio 04/16/17 USPA
165 1730 Rostislav Petkov 06/13/15 USPA
181 2000 Kody Blazek 08/03/19 USPA
198 2039 Ben Pollack 11/12/17 SPF
220 2127 Keven Okolie 01/23/16 USPA
242 2210 Dan Green 11/16/13 ProRaw
275 2380 Eric Lilliebridge 07/19/14 UPA
308 2458 Eric Lilliebridge 07/16/16 UPA
SHW 2518 Daniel Bell 11/23/19 WRPF

Raw vs. Equipped Comparison

Raw lifting emphasizes pure strength without relying on specialized equipment. Equipped lifting allows tools like bench shirts and squat suits to enhance performance.

Aspect Raw Lifting Equipped Lifting
Gear Used Belt, sleeves, wraps (optional) Bench shirt, squat suit, wraps
Strength Requirements Focuses on pure, unassisted strength Utilizes assistance from gear
Injury Risk Higher, due to lack of supportive gear Lower, as gear provides stability
Popularity Increasing due to accessibility Limited to niche federations

Unique Challenges of Raw Lifting

  • Raw lifters face greater demands on their joints and tendons due to the lack of supportive gear.
  • Training for raw records requires a focus on functional strength, mobility, and consistency.


What is considered a “raw” lift in powerlifting?

A raw lift is performed with minimal equipment, typically including a lifting belt and optionally knee sleeves or wrist wraps. It excludes supportive gear like bench shirts or squat suits, which enhance the lifter’s performance.

How are records verified and recognized?

Powerlifting records are verified by the federation overseeing the competition. Judges assess the lift for proper form and adherence to rules, and records are only recognized if performed on certified or calibrated equipment under official conditions.

Why do different federations have varying records?

Each federation has unique rules, standards, and testing policies, which can influence how records are achieved and recorded. Some federations emphasize drug testing, while others may allow a wider range of equipment or have different judging criteria.

The Bottom Line

Powerlifting showcases the relentless pursuit of strength and excellence. The records listed here honor the dedication and discipline of lifters who continue to inspire others. Whether raw or equipped, each lift represents a milestone in the sport, pushing the boundaries of human potential.